Localization Lab

Making internet freedom tools available in new languages

The Localization Lab is helping ensure that internet freedom tools are available where they’re needed most, and where there is demand. Since OTF’s inception (and long before that, for that matter), localization—that is, ensuring a tool is relevant, culturally appropriate, and translated correctly - have been a constant challenge. Professional translation services are costly, time-intensive, and, for many languages, scarce. Furthermore, software is updated regularly, and localization efforts need to keep pace.

In response, we’ve partnered with service providers Localization Lab to create an online, volunteer-driven translation hub, hosted on Transifex. You can track the status of current projects on the public Localization Lab translation hub.

Want to get involved? Whether you want to join as a translator or by adding your project, you can learn more here: https://www.localizationlab.org/community

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